"Programmer - an organism that turns coffee into software. "
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 About Me

Former student of FERI(Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), Maribor, Slovenia. Now I am doing masters in Management at Faculty of Management, Koper. I am also a programmer and a system/network administrator. Programming in C/C++, Java, php, bash,... and developing advanced solutions for LiNUX & WindowsXX platforms.

I was working as a system and network administrator on few servers, and I was also working at Institute of informatics, University of Maribor, Slovenia, where I was developing software in Java.

Later on in 2005 I joined Actual I.T. which is part of Istrabenz Group as a system engineer. My speciallity is virtualization, storage subsystems and robust infrastructial solutions. I am also VMware Certified Professional(VCP) and RedHat Certified Engineer(RHCE). I was working a lot with IBM servers and mid-range storage systems as an architect and engineer.

My current occupation is as head system engineer at company called Talpas. It is smaller outsourcing company and IT services/solutions provider for Slovenia region and across borders.

For more information you can drop me an email or read some of my articles.

Feel free to see what kind of IT solutions is Bevc.Net offering and do not hesitate to contct me. To learn about my previous activities go to links page and take a look at my old site!

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